CPR Data Reports
The 'Generate CPR Data reports' button creates a link to a zip file that contains the following .csv files:
To begin, enter data in the following fields:
Interval: Determines the data frequency of the Minute by Minute report. Select 15, 30, or 60 seconds.
Start time: Affects the 'start time' of the first interval in the Minute by Minute report. Select either power-on time, pads-on time, or manual start time.
Included Compressions: Includes compressions in drawn CPR periods only, or all compressions in the case for the Minute by Minute and the Case Statistics reports. Select either 'Only compressions in drawn CPR', or 'All compressions'.
Click Generate CPR Data reports.
Case statistics
Seconds to first compression: Time between the 'Start time', selected before running the exports, and the initial chest compression detected.
Seconds to first shock: Time between the 'Start time', selected before running the exports, and the first defibrillation shock delivered.
Average length of post-shock pause (sec): Average length of all post-shock pauses(displayed in seconds).
Mean compression depth: Average manual chest compression depth measured by the CPR sensor within CPR periods. Not including any mechanical compressions performed by AutoPulse.
Mean compression rate: Average chest compression rate (compressions/min) measured by the CPR sensor. Not including any compressions performed by AutoPulse.
Total CPR period duration: Sum of all CPR periods plus any AutoPulse time outside of a CPR period (displayed in seconds) % of time not in CPR: Percentage of time in the case not in manual CPR or AutoPulse periods.
Total pause period duration: Sum of all pause periods (displayed in seconds).
Total number of compressions: Total number of chest compressions recorded by the CPR sensor based on the “Included Compressions” setting selected before running the exports.
Total number of compressions manual: Number of manually performed chest compressions recorded by the CPR sensor.
Total number of compressions mechanical: Number of AutoPulse chest compressions recorded by the CPR sensor.
Compressions in target depth manual: Total number of manual chest compressions within the target depth range.
Compressions below target depth manual: Total number of manual chest compressions below the target depth range.
Compressions above target depth manual: Total number of manual chest compressions above the target depth range.
Compressions in target % manual: Percentage of manual compressions in both target rate and depth range (CPR Quality) for the interval.
% in target depth manual: Percentage of manual compressions in the target depth range.
Standard deviation depth manual: Standard deviation for manual chest compression depth.
Compressions in target rate manual: Total number of manual chest compressions within the min and max target rate setting.
Compressions below target rate manual: Total number of manual chest compressions below the min target rate setting.
Compressions Above Target Rate manual: Total number of chest manual compressions above the max target rate setting.
% in target rate manual: Percentage of manual compressions with rate in the target range.
Standard deviation rate manual: Standard deviation for manual chest compression rate.
Mean release velocity manual: Average manual chest compression release velocity(mm/s).
Standard deviation release velocity manual: Standard deviation for manual chest compression release velocity (mm/s).
Mean EtCO2: Average end-tidal carbon dioxide (mmHg).
Maximum EtCO2: Highest end-tidal carbon dioxide (mmHg) value.
Target setting compression depth: Compression depth range used to determine compressions in target.
Target setting compression rate: Compression rate range used to determine compressions in target.
Target setting compression quality percentage: Setting for minimum CPR Quality target (compressions in target %).
Target setting CPR fraction percentage: Setting for minimum Chest Compression Fraction target.
CCF all % in CPR time: Chest Compression Fraction percentage of CPR time that includes all manual CPR and AutoPulse time.
CCF aLL % pause time: Chest Compression Fraction percentage of pause time that occurred in manual CPR and AutoPulse time.
CCF manual % in CRP time: Chest Compression Fraction percentage of CPR time within manual CPR time.
CCF manual % in pause time: Chest Compression Fraction percentage of pause time within manual CPR time.
CCF mechanical % in CPR time: Chest Compression Fraction percentage of CPR time within AutoPulse CPR time.
CCF mechanical % in pause time: Chest Compression Fraction percentage of pause time within AutoPulse CPR time.
Manual CPR period duration (sec): Sum of all CPR periods, minus any AutoPulse time in those periods.
Manual CPR period duration (sec): Sum of all CPR periods, minus any AutoPulse time in those periods.
Manual pause period duration (sec): Sum of all pause time that occurred within a manual CPR period.
Mechanical CPR period duration (sec): Sum of all AutoPuse periods.
Mechanical pause period duration (sec): Sum of all pause time that occurred within an AutoPulse period.
Individual Compressions
Second: Case time corresponding to individual chest compression.
Millisecond: Case time (ms) corresponding to individual chest compression.
Depth: Individual compression depth recorded. If AutoPulse is used, this value will be 'NA.'
Rate (CPM): Individual compression rate (compressions/min) recorded. If AutoPulse is used, this value will be 'NA.'
Note: AutoPulse depth and rate values will display as NA regardless of the AutoPulse setting.
Release Velocity (MM/S): Individual compression rate (mm/s) recorded.
Valid/Invalid: Individual compression valid/invalid recorded.
Compression type: Manual or AutoPulse.
Individual Pauses
Pause period start/end: The start and end times of an individual pause period within the case.
Pause reason: The clinical pause reason that is associated with the pause period.
Pause type: Designates when a pause occurred relative to a shock. Values can be pre-shock, post-shock, or NA.
Total pause duration (sec): Total length of the pause period (displayed in seconds) that is within a manual CPR period.
Pause period duration - manual (sec): The portion of the pause period (displayed in seconds) that is within a manual CPR period.
Pause period duration - mechanical (sec): The portion of the pause period (displayed in seconds) that is within a mechanical CPR period.
Minute by minute report
Interval: Sequential case time 'Intervals' (15, 30 or 60 seconds).
Seconds analyzed: Total time for interval.
Seconds without compression: Total time with no chest compressions recorded for interval.
Vents: Number of ventilations measured for interval.
Vents from CO2: Number of ventilations measured by end-tidal carbon dioxide for interval.
Vents from leads: Number of ventilations measured by defibrillator leads for interval.
Vents from Real BVM Help
Vents Total
Mean EtCO2: Average end-tidal carbon dioxide (mmHg) for interval.
Maximum EtCO2: Maximal end-tidal carbon dioxide (mmHg) for interval.
Compression count: Total number of chest compressions recorded by the CPR sensor for interval.
Mean compression depth: Average chest compression depth for interval.
Compressions in target depth: Total number of compressions in target depth range for interval.
Compressions below target depth: Total number of compressions below target depth range for interval.
Compressions above target depth: Total number of compressions above target depth range for interval.
% compressions in target depth: Percentage of compressions in target depth range for interval.
Standard deviation compression depth: Standard deviation for chest compression depth for interval.
Mean compression rate: Average compression rate (compressions/min) for interval.
Compressions in target rate: Total number of compressions in target rate range for interval.
Compressions below target rate: Total number of compressions below target rate range for interval.
Compressions above target rate: Total number of compressions above target rate range for interval.
% compressions in target rate: Percentage of compressions in target rate range for interval.
Standard deviation compression rate: Standard deviation for chest compression rate for interval.
Compression fraction: Percentage of time in chest compressions during defined CPR period for interval.
Compressions in target depth and rate: Total number of compressions in both target rate and depth range for interval.
Percentage of compressions in target: Percentage of compressions in both target rate and depth range for interval; "CPR Quality" for interval.
Mean release velocity: Average chest compression release velocity (mm/s) for interval.
Standard deviation release velocity: Standard deviation for release velocity (mm/s) for interval.
Target setting compression depth: Compression depth range used to determine compression in target for interval.
Target setting compression rate: Compression rate range used to determine compressions in target for interval.
Target setting compression quality percentage: Setting for minimum CPR Quality target (compressions in target %) for interval.
Target setting CPR fraction percentage: Setting for minimum chest compression fraction target for interval.